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The given question was: "What would you do with a cardboard box?" I immediately thought of how when I was younger I would pretend the cardboard box was a castle, a tent or a shield.
Therefore I decided to work on a toy or a game. After doing research and ideations, I found a toy called ‘Blokies’ made by butternmilk. ‘Blokies’ is a modular cardboard product that relies on the imagination of the user.
I was inspired by its manoeuvrability and how one piece can lock onto another without everything collapsing.

Scanteak Project 2019: Services

Concept Art

These are some concept drawings from the initial research and testing, as well as, the drawing for Green Locks once I decided what the product would look like.

Scanteak Project 2019: Services


The first few prototypes were made to test out the concept and see if they would work as a toy or a game. After that, I made prototypes for Green Locks and continued testing to find the perfect dimensions.

Scanteak Project 2019: Services

Green Locks

These photos show my final product after many hours of researching, designing and prototyping.

Scanteak Project 2019: Service


Throughout the project, I have learnt that in order to create a product for anyone I need to use design thinking.
Design thinking is not a new concept to me but I realised how it can really help make my product improve the lives of my stakeholders. 
This project brought me joy and satisfaction when I was researching and making prototypes. I am also very honoured to have my product be showcased at Scanteak's showroom. 
If I get the chance again I would definitely work with Scanteak again.
With design thinking refreshed in my mind, I will apply it to all my future projects.

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