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I was to design an Innovative Kitchen Product based on one or more of the following themes: Safety & Prevention, or Sustainability & Environmental-friendliness, or Quality & Efficiency. I chose to focus on safety and prevention because according to my interviews and research they are factors that can limit a user in the kitchen. My chosen idea was to make a wok that has a cover that reduces the amount of oil splashes, this way the user will be confident in cooking more advances dishes without worrying about the kitchen being hard to clean.

An Innovative Kitchen Product: Services

Concept Art

I was to choose the three best concepts and present them to evaluators who will discuss with me which concept would be the best approach. After getting feedback on my first concepts, I combined 2 concepts that looked promising. 

An Innovative Kitchen Product: Services


I did some mockups to test out how I could manufacture the cover for the wok. After researching for a surprisingly long time, I came upon an origami technique that fit with my design approach.

An Innovative Kitchen Product: Services


I named it GAI because it means cover in Chinese and because a lot of inspiration came from traditional Chinese culture.

An Innovative Kitchen Product: Service


Through this project, I had to learn more about my own kitchen. I realised that even though the kitchen is a small part of the house, it plays a big part in our lives. Without food or water, we would not survive and this space provides us with the tools to ensure we are well-nourished.
This project allowed me to enhance my skills in 3D rendering and concept generation. I learnt to ask questions that I had never asked before. During the interviews, I was surprised I got so many great ideas when the interviewee was prompted in the right direction. 
Overall, this project was a fun project because I got to learn how to ask properly, enhance my 3D rendering and videography skills. And because it was related to food.

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